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Studio Classes

Mat Pilates

Mat Pilates classes focus on lengthening and strengthening your muscles, targeting your core, arms and legs. Different from apparatus classes, mat Pilates utilizes your body weight for resistance. Some mat work classes can be more advanced than apparatus work as your body is working against gravity rather than relying on equipment. Mat Pilates challenges your mind to stay focused on the exercise you are performing to control your movement, rather than relying on springs or apparatus for help. This class is an excellent option for beginners because of this emphasis on moving with intention.

Stretch and Restore

This class is focused on lengthening your muscles, opening tight and restricted areas of the body, and releasing the myofascial to stretch and restore functionality to your body. Each class varies from week to week depending on the needs of those present. We utilize the Reformer to aid in stretching, and Yoga Tune Up balls and Foam Rollers for myofascial release. Attending this class on a weekly basis will help to improve your Pilates practice. Come to class prepared to be active. Strength and Flexibility go hand in hand. Strength without flexibility is rigidity, and flexibility without strength is instability. Our goal is to help you build a balanced body and restore functionality.

Pilates Stability - Pilates Chair


The Reformer is a narrow bed with a sliding carriage, a system of straps, and pulleys, made more or less resistant by adding or removing springs that provide tension. Apparatus training utilizes this spring-loaded resistance, gravity, and movement to challenge your body to perform these exercises. The spring system is adjustable to enable different resistance levels in your training. Pilates is ideal for clients looking to rehabilitate old injuries or relieve chronic pain. Regardless of experience or ability, the Pilates reformer can be used by anyone. Your body weight, coupled with the springs and pulleys, provide needed resistance for a fantastic, all-over workout.

Created by Joseph Pilates in 1946, the Pilates reformer uses a padded carriage on a wooden frame that is connected with springs. The spring system is adjustable to enable different levels of resistance in your exercise. Shoulder blocks keep your body aligned properly and a foot bar that you can push with your feet, or hands, is used to slide the carriage along the reformer track. Straps are also incorporated into the Pilates reformer to allow more diverse movement and exercise. Your body weight, coupled with the springs and pulleys, provide needed resistance for an amazing, all-over workout.

Pilates Reformer

Tower Class

The Tower is a piece of Pilates equipment that adds a variety of Pilates exercises to challenge the body. Pilates was designed to allow you to transfer all the mat exercises to each piece of apparatus. The Tower uses spring tension much like the Reformer. The difference is the Reformer uses a pully system, and the Tower directly connects you to the springs through foot loops or handles. Depending on your need that day Tower work provides you with amazing strength and stretch components.

Core Stability - Pilates


After being released from Physical Therapy, Pilates is a good way for people to continue their learned body awareness while gaining strength and flexibility. Aside from being a therapeutic movement and a great form of injury prevention, Pilates is an excellent choice when rehabbing old injuries, easing your body back after pregnancy, or when dealing with the pain and discomfort that sometimes comes with the natural process of aging. Our licensed Physical Therapist will work with you to effectively meet your individual needs while keeping in mind your limits and abilities.

Private Sessions

Private Pilates sessions offer the most individualized Pilates experience. As the client, you will work one-on-one or two-on-one with an instructor who will guide you through a workout.

Pilates Studio Towers And Mat